What Takes Your Breath Away?

Leon Gojani
2 min readFeb 16, 2024


Gërmia Park — Prishtinë, Kosova

Our world is a mosaic of experiences and moments that leave us speechless, gasping, confused, and heart pounding. These “breath-taker” moments don’t come around as often, but when they do, they seem to change something in us.

They feel like a very cold splash of water in your face and shake your core.

That sensation that triggers an involuntary gasp... That is what I am talking about.

When was the last time you experienced that?

I can recall three particular moments that triggered the involuntary grasp in me.

The movie “Interstellar” has emotionally slapped me in ways I can’t even begin to describe. In “Interstellar,” humanity faces extinction as Earth’s resources dwindle. A group of explorers embark on a journey hoping to find a new habitable planet for mankind. It navigates the complexities of space and the emotional toll of leaving loved ones behind.

Secondly, when I went paragliding in the south of Albania. Flying over the blueness of the Ionian Sea and the marvelous mountains behind Dhermia was a special feeling, to say the least. A mixture of fear, happiness, and gratefulness — all at the same time rushing through my disoriented face. To be fair, I have a phobia of heights, so a little discomfort was there too. Anyhow, I have a vivid memory of the happiness that view and that experience brought me.

Lastly was a paper I wrote in my second year of Master's. I know it’s nerdy and probably even pretentious because who likes to do papers, but this particular one was very captivating for me. The paper explores how a great deal of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina unconsciously or consciously decided to deal with the trauma of the war and conflict through silence. Simply put, people chose to move forward, look into the future, and try to prosper by never speaking about the wounds that the war caused. It is done to protect the young ones from the poison of the past, which shook my core.

Ultimately, what takes your breath away is deeply personal, and the key is to be open to these moments and, as they happen, take them all in.

So, today, I challenge you: Take a moment today to reflect on what takes your breath away. What ignites that spark within you?


