Wherever You Go, Build a House

Leon Gojani
2 min readNov 3, 2021

I used to hear this a lot as a kid from my grandfather. My son, wherever you go, build a house.

It didn’t make sense to me. I mean, as a kid, many things don’t make sense to you, but some haunt you. Intuitively I wanted to understand how I can build houses wherever I go.

So I asked, grandpa, what do you mean wherever you go build a house? Isn’t that hard?

I have a vivid memory of my grandfather’s face as he smiled happily and slowly deconstructed this saying to me.

No, my son, I don’t mean the physical house, screw that. I mean the way you feel at your own home. Aim to build that wherever you go.

Then he continued…

Life is going to take you places where you will meet a lot of people. These people will be part of your journey, and you will be part of theirs. Trust them, be kind and help them if you can, just like you do with your family at your own home. Be a good friend and treat them as a family because people never forget when they feel trusted and loved. If you are ready to go to the end of the world for your friends, they will do the same for you, and that’s a precious house to build.

Respect and value your job. As we men are supposed to provide for our families, you will have to work most of your life. When you are trusted with a job, do everything you can to do the best you can. Don’t look at others how much they are working or how much they are making. Focus on your job and do a little extra whenever you can. Your colleagues will see that, and your supervisor will appreciate that. It will not go unseen. That place will do anything to keep you because everyone wants to work with trusted people.

And lastly, you are going to meet someone with whom you would want to build a home with. Treat that someone with love, care, and dignity. Don’t lie, don’t cheat, and never raise your voice to her. Be good and caring to her family and friends, and you must respect the houses she has built throughout her life.

So yes, my son, wherever you go, build a house because wherever you are, you will need one.

My grandfather passed away when I was 14 and it took me more than 10 years to actually realize how important it is to build houses wherever I go.

So here I am, walking through life and building relationships that are meaningful, houses that feel home.

Cheers to you grandpa ❤

